Mampaey supplied for Petroliam Nasional Berhad’s (Petronas) first floating liquefied natural gas (PFLNG 1) facility. This facility is also known as PFLNG SATU and we developed it for the Kanowit gas field off the coast of Sarawak in Malaysia. It will be the world’s first FLNG facility to start operations, upon its completion in March 2016.
The PETRONAS Floating LNG was custom-built as a vessel to liquefy, produce, store and offload Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The PETRONAS Floating LNG (PFLNG) is a facility that allows LNG to process offshore hundreds of kilometres away from land.
The facility was towed in the second quarter of 2016 to its final location, 180km offshore of Bintulu. At this location, it is estimated to produce 1.2 million tonnes of LNG a year.
For the safe mooring of the PETRONAS Floating LNG (PFLNG), Mampaey Offshore Industries supplied eleven sets of double Quick Release Mooring Hooks with a capstans. The units have a safe working load of 175 ton. The hooks are all integrated with an electric remote control system and a mooring load monitoring system.
The mooring load monitoring keeps a close and constant watch on the forces occurring in the mooring lines. If there is possible slack or overload situations which are detected by Mooring Load Monitoring System in an early stage immediate action can be taken. This is an important element for the mooring of this PFLNG which is 365m-long and approximately 60m-wide, and weighs approximately 125,000t when fully-loaded.

PFLNG SATU is the second FLNG development in the world. It comes after the Prelude FLNG, which is being developed by Shell and is expected to come on stream in 2017. Mampaey Offshore Industries also supplied a Quick Release FSO Hook for this Prelude FLNG with a safe working load of 200 ton. The Prelude is world’s largest floating offshore facility, built to compete in the LNG industry. The Prelude FLNG facility will likely start producing chilled gas offshore Western Australia in 2017.